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  • An exclusive jam solution from Greenfresh Dec 15, 2023
    An exclusive jam solution from Greenfresh In the slowly rising temperature of the pot, snow-white sugar and fresh fruits merge into one. Stir with a wooden spoon, let the air be filled with fruity fragrance and love for life... Greenfresh provide a customized Jam Application for you. Flavored jam Product Features ●Full-flavored ●Refreshing taste ●with a fleshy feeling ●good water retention ●contain plenty of vitamins ●tastes soft, sour, and sweet When you take a sip, the fiber, sweetness and sourness of the pulp will bloom in your mouth. It’s your good breakfast partner that can give you endless aftertaste! Greenfresh Group can provide you with customized solutions to meet your diverse needs.




11/21 月 - 11/23 水: 午前 9 時 - 午後 8 時
木 11/24: 閉店 - ハッピーサンクスギビング!
金 11/25: 午前 8 時~午後 10 時
11/26 土 - 11/27 日: 午前 10 時 - 午後 9 時

11/21 月曜日~11/23 水曜日: 午前 9 時~午後 7 時
11 月 25 日金曜日: 午前 9 時~午後 10 時
11/26 (土) ~ 11/27 (日): 午前 10 時 ~ 午後 7 時
(東部時間) 週 6 日ご利用いただけます

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